Sunday, February 14, 2010

Winter in East-Zürich

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in mid-February I got nice idea to take my bike out for a spin and to smoothly re-locate my physical body close to internet and the rest of the World - jep, to go to work :).

So the plan was simple - go little bit downhill and the make ascent to hilltop using some new route from northeast side... Light blue imaginary track on the map which starts from green X - the apartment.

I learned several lessons today:
a) Going downhill is fast, much faster than uphill. So if you turn 90 degrees to compensate from wrong direction you really have to pedal 10 times more to make a difference.
b) At hilly places all streets are twisty and it's impossible to navigate without a map. I ended up at hillside and worked my way up the hill (about 250m vertical) to realize, that it's the wrong one!

c) It gets really cold when going downhill for 5 min.
d) You can almost get to where you wanted, with small mistake like being 100m above or below your destination :)

Anyhows, now I know where all the nice villas are at and the location of Zürich Zoo. And got some wintery pics from my detour. Pic on the left shows hilltop where Protestants and Catholics fought a battle around 1340-s and right one shows view over the villas on the lake.

1 comment:

  1. Tundub, et SI-d pole vaja, aga kompassi vist peame kingiks kaasa tooma? :)
