Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cheese and yodeling

Let me make two things clear: on the contrary to what many people believe not all Swiss cheese has holes and I have never seen a Swiss man yodeling. But the mountains are as they are known to be - steep and endless :) After reassembling my bike from air-transport setup I did a small loop around Höngg and must say that even this small hill almost killed me. Hope things will get better with training otherwise I'll just take the bus to next hill. Strangely enough running was much easier than I anticipated, so there is lot's of motivation for jogging now.

Zürich has been voted as the best place to live in for 7 consecutive years by some bunch of people, but I wonder if they considered the goodness per $$$ or not. It might be good, but you have to pay for it - application for living permit - 65 CHF + 20 CHF processing fee, some food for 2 days ~50 CHF, monthly bus ticket 77 CHF, etc. Darn, I am from eastern Europe and everything I know about pricing has to be multiplied by 2 or 3, it takes time to adjust... Same applies to living quarters - single room flat with kitchen is about ~1kCHF/month. But if you let somebody who knows local affairs very well to run the errands you can end up with less than ~0.4kCHF/month living expenses :) Ok, shower, bathroom and kitchen are shared, but still its incredibly cheap in comparison to street prices and gives a good platform to make friends. For example, today I met Rose, the dorm guru of our floor. She has been living there for 6 years and knows everything about everything and was very generous with information.

Soon there will be pictures with posts, since I can charge my camera again :p


  1. Väga oluline hind on jäänud märkimata - palju õlu baaris ja poes maksab? :)

  2. õll on 5-kas, aga seda teemat lahkame hiljem :)
